[SOLVED] Keyboard Keys Randomized In Windows 8

Microsoft Corporation has introduced its new Windows operating system as Windows 8. The release to manufacturing is expected in the first week of August 2012, and Windows 8 will be available to users starting October 26, 2012.Windows 8 server's counterpart Windows Server 2012 is in development currently with Windows 8.

The Relese Preview of Windows 8 is already made available to the general users.Windows 8 has great Graphical User Interface and is user friendly.Windows 8 contains various upgrades and updates than Windows 7.Inspite of these better changes , it contains various problems with it.Some of the problems include Graphics driver problem of which you can find the solution in the previous post of this page.You can see it here: Driver Problem .Another problem is the wampserver problem of which you can find the solution in here. Another problem includes the keyboard keys randomization problem in which the keys are randomized. To solve this problem, you need to follow the steps given below:-

·         Open an command prompt (CMD) and enter control or just go to control panel.
·         Now open the settings for Region and Language.
·         You will find the settings for language and keyboard.
·         Open the keyboard setting tab and you can find that the defaut input language is English(United Kingdom).
·         Now add a new input language and add English(United States) language.
·         Now you can remove the UK language or just use the US language.
·         Your problem is finally solved.

Hope this helps....

[SOLVED] Keyboard Keys Randomized In Windows 8 [SOLVED] Keyboard Keys Randomized In Windows 8 Reviewed by RefreshIt on 3:52:00 PM Rating: 5

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