[RELEASED] Windows Server 2012 To Manufacturing

Windows Server 2012 has been released to manufacturing.The day has long been waited. Windows Server 2012 codenamed as Windows Server 8 is set to launch on September 4th 2012.The final code for the server is complete and Microsoft is delivering it to its software and hardware vendors.In the next couple of weeks , it will be made available to costumers for volume licensing.

Windows Server 2012 will be available for evaluation and purchasing all over the world on September 4 2012.To share more about Windows Server 8 , an online launch event will be hosted on that day.The Engineers, Partners and Customers will share more on Windows Server 8 to realize about its benefits.Cloud computing is one of the best feature of Windows Server 8.You will be able to learn the features and capabilities of Windows Server 2012.Wait for the day to come.

                                                                  Hope this helps......

[RELEASED] Windows Server 2012 To Manufacturing [RELEASED] Windows Server 2012 To Manufacturing Reviewed by RefreshIt on 10:39:00 PM Rating: 5

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