[LIST] Applications for Micromax Q7

One very important use of mobile is to use applications on it.Various types of applications can be downloaded on the mobile phones.But it is not sure that all these applications are feasible for your mobile.To find feasible applications for your device is a difficult task.
          Here,i have listed some applications which are feasible for a micromax Q7 mobile phone.These all applications are tested and hereby listed.Note that the text written inside bracket is 'a' for application and 'g' for games.

01.Candybomb [g]
02.Facebook [a]
03.Nimbuzz [a]
04.Opera mini [a]
05.Blue Ftp [a]
06.Mobile maths [a]
07.Photoshop [a]
08.Dictionary 9 [a]
09.Roadblock [g]
10.UC browser [a]
11.Docx reader [a]
12.Ttpod [a]
13.Ice age 2 [g]
14.Dof calc [a]
15.Bluevibe [a]
16.Guitar [a]
17.World flags [a]
18.Google [a]
19.Mtv mobile [a]
20.I player [a]
21.Mig 33 [a]
22.Kd player [a]
23.Solve my math [a]
24.Power dictionary [a]
25.Ben 10 [g]
26.Street fighter [g]
27.Prince of persia [g]
28.Call of duty 2 [g]
29.Doc viweer [a]
30.Mobile pdf [a]
31.Snaptu [a]
32.Total overdose [g]
33.Little ninja king [g]
34.King kong [g]
35.Misson impossible III [g]
36.Governator 2 [g]
37.Graw 2 [g]
38.Call of duty 4 [g]
39.Big range hunting 2 [g]
40.Russian mafia [g]
41.XIII 2 [g]
42.The bourne conspiracy [g]
43.War hero 1944 [g]
44.Splinter cell [g]

You can download these apps and use on your micromax Q7 device.
[LIST] Applications for Micromax Q7 [LIST] Applications for Micromax Q7 Reviewed by RefreshIt on 10:36:00 PM Rating: 5

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